Granola Breakfast Products Have More Sugar than Coke?

05 Jun

Granola may be healthy breakfast for kids, but not for diabetics as it is high in sugar and fat.

Granola Breakfast Products Have More Sugar than Coke?


Granola, super food that is made up by combining rolled oats, sugar or honey, nuts, and dried fruits. No wonder why people call it yummy breakfast food. But does it consider as healthy breakfast option? Read further to explore more and get the answers by experts.

Most granola breakfast products are categorized as high sugar products. No matter if the manufacturing company has used honey as an alternative to sugar- it is still a sugar and can’t be considered as healthy food. As per health guidelines, human should not consume over 90g of sugar per day. You are a fool if you consider honey based granola as your healthy breakfast option.

Granola has good fiber content and added seeds such as chia seeds, flex seeds, sesame seeds, etc. enhance the power and make the product healthier. You can feel full-longer as compared to RTE breakfast products. Many granola bars and cereals are available in the supermarkets that offer wholesome amount of energy to perform routine tasks. The only drawback is the sugar content- granola has more sugar content than a coke.

Is it true that granola bars are just dressed-up junk food?

Somehow this statement is vrai because just like junk food, granola is rich source of carbohydrates and sugar content.

Can we make sugar free granola?

Granola can be prepared at home and with less sugar content. You can take a jar and fill it with different layers of dried fruits, seeds, berries, nuts, oats, and puffed rice. You can even take your favorite things and use natural dried fruits as sugar alternative to get sugar free granola for breakfast. You can take it with low fat yogurt or skimmed milk.

Some of you may also try dark chocolate chunks too and prepare granola chocolate chunk bars for snacky feast. Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolates and you can consider them for preparing healthy different granola breakfast products.

Can these products are good for diabetics?

It majorly depends on the ingredient list of granola product. Just like other individuals, diabetics should also take healthy breakfast meal to stabilize their blood sugar level. Sugar free granola can be a helpful option to maintain blood sugar level, cholesterol, and promote good digestive system.

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Posted by on June 5, 2015 in Breakfast Food, Food



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